

I am motivated to:

Imagine, Create, Innovate

Set Goals, Plan, Act

Coach, Enable, Improve

I outperform others when I:

Understand, Empathize, Synthesize

Frame, Evaluate, Solve

Envision, Clarify, Persuade

I am naturally:

Open-Minded, Unconventional, Curious

Ambitious, Driven, Successful

Kind, Considerate, Principled

I believe in the importance of:

Justice and Fairness

Harmony and Environment

Newness and Boldness

I'm T-Shaped


T-Shaped persons are typically life long learners, better at teamwork and collaboration, and are analytical thinkers and problem solvers.  The concept of T-shaped skills, or T-shaped persons is a metaphor used to describe the abilities of persons in the workforce.

  • The vertical bar on the represents the depth of related skills and expertise in a single field,

  • The horizontal bar is the ability to collaborate across disciplines with experts in other areas and to apply knowledge in areas of expertise other than one's own.

For more on the T-Shaped metaphor, read this article by IDEO CEO Tim Brown (opens in a new tab)


When it was time to select a college I knew I wanted to attend a Liberal Arts college despite my interest in Engineering

When people ask me about my broad range of capabilities, interests and skills I explain that I am the result of majoring in Engineering at a Liberal Arts college where I focused my studies on Engineering and Neuroscience, Language and Culture, and Art History

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